DD214 Information
For a veteran's service record contact: National Military Personnel Records Center 9700 Page Avenue St. Louis, MO 63132-5100 Phone: 866-272-6272 Military Personnel Records website |
Congress has reduced the number of eligibility periods from seven to two! “Finally Congress has acknowledged the service and sacrifice of at least 1,600 veterans who died or were wounded in previously undeclared periods of war,” said American Legion National Judge Advocate Kevin Bartlett. “This new law honors the memories of those veterans while allowing other veterans from those previously undeclared eras to receive all the American Legion benefits they have earned through their service.” The LEGION Act - Let Everyone Get Involved in Opportunities for National Service Act — also redefines The American Legion’s membership eligibility dates. The eligibility now span from Dec. 7, 1941, until a time when the U.S. is no longer at war, as determined by Congress. |